The Kalyana Karnataka region, also known as the Hyderabad-Karnataka region, has a unique reservation policy aimed at fostering development and addressing historical inequalities. Encompassing six districts of Karnataka—Bidar, Kalaburagi, Yadgir, Raichur, Koppal, and Ballari—this region historically lagged behind in terms of socio-economic indicators. To uplift this region and its people, the Karnataka government implemented special reservation provisions under Article 371(J) of the Indian Constitution.
These reservations grant preference in education and employment opportunities to local residents of the Kalyana Karnataka region. Under this policy, a certain percentage of seats in educational institutions and government jobs are reserved for candidates from the region. This initiative aims to empower local communities by providing them with better access to education and employment, thus driving socio-economic growth and reducing regional disparities.
Furthermore, the reservation policy extends to local bodies, ensuring equitable representation in local governance structures. By promoting representation from the Kalyana Karnataka region in various administrative bodies, the reservation policy seeks to address the historical marginalization of these communities and promote their socio-political empowerment.
The Kalyana Karnataka Reservation refers to the affirmative action policies implemented by the Government of Karnataka to promote educational and employment opportunities for residents of the Kalyana Karnataka region, previously known as the Hyderabad-Karnataka region. This region includes the districts of Bidar, Kalaburagi, Yadgir, Raichur, Koppal, Ballari, and Vijayanagara.
Key aspects of the Kalyana Karnataka Reservation include:
- Educational Quotas: Reserved seats in educational institutions, including colleges and universities, to ensure students from the region have increased access to higher education.
- Employment Quotas: Reserved positions in government jobs, aiming to boost employment opportunities for the residents of the region.
- Special Development Programs: Implementation of various development programs to improve infrastructure, healthcare, and overall socio-economic conditions in the region.
- Economic Benefits: Special schemes and financial aid aimed at supporting small businesses and encouraging entrepreneurship among the local population.